My Adventure in the World of Online Marketing for Massive Online Income

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The 28 Day Challenge April 2009

It has been quite a while, but destiny calls--and I'm all ears.

Someone told me:
" I want a blueprint with step by step goals that are not unattainable...My overall goal to to make a living on the net full time..." response will take the rest of the month of April!

My task, as I see it, is to map out a series of steps which will result in a foundation from which an overall desireable income can be extracted in a predictable and reliable fashion month after month after long as people are buying online.

Well actually THAT task has been done, exceedingly well, many with more knowledge and experience than myself. Some give away information just for the price of being on their mailing list, others sell it.


IF YOU DO NOT ALREADY HAVE a SIGNIFICANT social web network then buying this or that for $19.99 or $39.99 or my humble opinion.

The point of this "April Challenge" is to establish a presence on Internet and a web of relationships upon which YOU can build and to whom you can market (initially) INDIRECTLY...and SUCCESSFULLY because of the RELATIONSHIPS you will have established.

Keep track of how much time you spend on the challenge daily.

After this 28 days you'll calculate how much time on average you spent. (Total Hours divided by 28 Days)

The essence of the foundation will be:

After you have done this groundwork (The 28 Day Challenge April 2009) I hope that you continue your self-directed education and that you continue to hone, modify and adapt your Faily Dailies Part 1 and Daily Dailies Part 2

I particularly recommend the purchase of MLM Lead System Pro AFTER you have some basic education and the foundations of an internet presence which this blog, blogging and interacting with peole on the net will help you to achieve.

MLM Lead System Pro
is the integrated dashboard and blueprint that I recommend. (It's just $1(USD) to test drive it for 2 weeks.)

NING Forums:

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