My Adventure in the World of Online Marketing for Massive Online Income

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How to Build Your Downline Online

There are 3 proven things needed to build a productive MLM team Online...

You may have 2 of the 3 already, but the most important one is the one you do not have...

You may have the Desire to build an online business...

That is the first thing you need yo build a great legacy...

You may want to achieve online success with all of your heart...

That is not enough. You may have a willingness to work...

Lazy people never win, you know that...

If you are willing to work and have desire, you may think you are 3/4 of the way there...


You are only 1/3 of the way to success in Online MLM...

This last thing is the most important one...

You must MASTER online marketing and be prepared to put it into practice.

You master online marketing with a strong desire, work ethic and mentor.

You prepare to put it into practice by practicing daily disciplines daily.

Do you have desire? Good.
Are you willing to work hard and work smart? Excellent.
Do you have a mentor (guide, coach, tutor, teacher, helper) who is a MASTER online marketer? Yes? or No?

If the answer is "yes" then by all means get busy, get trained and get MLM Lead System Pro to save some time.

If the answer is "no" then sign up for my FREE lessons.

These lessons will change your vision of what is possible and will teach you how to be a professional online marketer.

NING Forums:

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Special Report

NING Forums:

Friday, May 15, 2009

Single Tasking & More

NING Forums:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blog Analysis: A Blog to Emulate

"There is no way I am going to do this in 15 minutes." Especially since there are FIVE blogs that I am very interested in! My goal at the end of this is to have a list of things I want to include in my blog AND to have ONE blog that I want to emulate, let's say content and positioning-wise.

These questions/criteria come straight from Day 4 of 31 Days to Build a Better Blog.

The blogs I am looking at arecc

Entrepreneurs Journey
John Chow dot com
I Will Teach You to Be Rich (for the look, not the content)

2. Take 15 minutes to do some analysis of the blog in some of the following areas


  • What topics are they covering?
  • What topics are they ignoring?
  • What voice/style do they post in?
  • How often are they posting?
  • What level are they pitching their posts at (beginners, advanced etc)

Reader Engagement:

  • What topics generate most conversation?
  • What styles of posts seem to connect with readers best?
  • What questions are readers asking in comments?
  • What complaints do you see readers making in comments?
  • What tools/mediums is the site using (eg: are they using Twitter, forums etc)


  • What first impression does their design give?
  • What have they done well? What have they done poorly?
  • What Options do they give readers to subscribe?

if you’re attempting to make money from your blog this will be relevant as it will give you hints as to how you might make money:

  • what advertisers are targeting this blog?
  • what type of affiliate programs are they promoting?

You might also like to head to a site like Alexa or Compete to do some analysis of the blogs traffic levels. Is it growing, plateauing or shrinking. Alexa also gives some stats (not always accurate) on page views, time on site, sites linking in, bounce rate, where the audience is from (geographically), where people go on the site etc.

If you have some competence in SEO you might like to check out how they’re doing in some of these areas:

  • Who is linking to this blog? (use the command in Google to find out)
  • What does their source code reveal about how they’ve set up their site
  • If they have an open or unlocked stats package what can you learn from their stats? What pages are popular? Where does their incoming traffic come from?

NING Forums:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Capitalize on Oprah's Flock of Twitterers

So did you guess? Yep, that's what I've been doing since Wednesday, harvesting and culling at the Winfrey Estate on Twitter. It's simple, it's fun, and if I had two dimes to rub together it would be fully automated.You wanna try?

First (optional), find out the demographics of Oprah's audience OR find out the likes, dislikes and interests of someone YOU know who watches The Oprah Winfrey Show (this helps you create the name and profile and attitude)

Second, create a Twitter account with a name and bio that would be attractive to the demographic slice of Oprah's audience you want to attract (from results of the first step) Since I skipped the first step I just followed people from among Oprah's followers. (period)

Third, find a portrait photograph, a head shot, that goes with the name and bio you just created. I went browsing at deviantart looking for my new persona; I found her. :)

Fourth, start a personal blog in the name of this new Twitter personality. Add value by linking and answering your own questions. And answering questions of your twitter "audience."

Fifth, every day add 200 Oprah followers. After you have reached 1,000 people that YOU follow, delete everyone who did not follow you back. MyTweeple is a Twitter application that will help you do just that

Sixth, repeat the fifth step again and again until you have 5,000 (or 10,000 whatever) mutual reciprocal followers. My target fro May is 5,000+ reciprocal followers on my Sofiia Miller account. I am shooting for at elast 25% retention but initially although growing has not gotton there's about 16% and climbing. The more I interact, the better it gets. Interacting with people that I've JUST added ASAP is a good tactic for increasing liklihood of a reciprocal follow.

Seventh, After you do your first culling of the "non-mutuals" then automate reciprocal follow with TweetLater. That application will make your Twitter account follow anyone who follows you AND it will send a thank you note to the new follower. Include the link to your personal blog AND make the note feel like a hug, full of enthusiasm and energy. DK's is something like this: "OMG! I like U already! Facebook me and check out my video page."

Eighth, once you have your base of 5,000 then start dropping an affilite link every 8 hours, like clockwork with a Twuffer like you probably already did with your first Twitter account.

Ninth, make sure to send DM's to at least one page of your followers daily. Make sure to promote any blogpost that you write that might be of interest to this crowd. You may, also, continue to grow your list by repeating the 5th step.

Tenth, now really get some stats on Oprah audience member and write up a detailed description/bio/profile for Sopia that is in the ball park of a signgicant segment of oPRAH FANS. i ALREADY GOT THAT i AM NOT GOING TO ATTRACK THE ILITERATE OR THE PROFANE OR LEWD. i AM NOT GOING TO BE LIKE THAT AT ALL.

Explanation of MyTweeple, TweetLater and Twuffer is given in an earlier post "Power Tools" which was Day 18 of my April Challenge

Let the conversations going on amongst your crowd determine what you blog about in yourpersonalblog. Keep the posts short and with some kind of illustration or video.

This pool of reciprocal followers may become the basis of your members only site. This group is going to be your target market. Take it slow. First you build relationship on Twitter, credibility on the blog, and they subscribe.... you are building your subscriber/readership , you post based on their voiced interests...

You can do a lot with this group...A lot. This group is wed to televison and believe everything that Corporate media/advertisers feed them.Take advantage of the preexisting, mental programming.

Guess what? This technique can work with the flock of any celebrity Twitterer.

Self sorting demographics...a beautiful thing.

Reminds me of people lining up, begging for toxin laced vaccines. Anyway I digress...

Original title was: Capitalize on Oprah's Flock of Twits..but that sounded really degrading and disrespectul. Not my style.

Whenever you're ready to start raking in the cash DO use Yaro's masterplan to create a members only site. I listened to it in .mp3 format witin the first 24 hours of it's release and it blew my mind...pleasantly. (you get, free of charge the entire plan in .pdf and .mp3 formats)

oh yeah...
such as

just follow profiles with pictures above tthe fold and click onthe refresh/reload button and repeat the porcess of adding followers. This I found was faser than scrolling down the whole page or cahging the page number. Pepole are folloinwg Oprah, still, at such a fast rate that the same page changes every minute.

the bigger the number at the end, the earlier response to Oprah's joining twitter. I believe thos peole are quicker to act in general so I am goin t ostart harvesting near the front of the line. :)

NING Forums:

Monday, May 4, 2009

5 Reasons Why I Decided to Become an Affiliate Marketer Period

1. I have no money. I can be an affiliate with no money.
2. I believe in basics to meet basic necessities. As an affiliate
3. I am strictly new school. No in person demonstrations of products--ever.
4. I know I can earn more & faster, though online new school marketing and affiliate sales
5. There are fewer variables outside of my control as an affiliate.

In these economic times it is my belief that faster is better.

Jaime told me the truth...

Well said Jaime. Maybe I am a FUTURE MLMer, but not now. I don't have what it takes to be all that.

I need to start EARNING a minimum of $1500 IMMEDIATELY. I don't have any money I can earmark as my MLM support stash.

I am committed to my success and I have the habits of study and production to prove it.

The idea of recruiting per se turns me off.

I will lead by example. If someone notices what I am doing and likes the results they are welcomed to follow my lead.

I know it is not easy. That's not the issue for me. I don't have the money and time. I only have the time. So, this is NOT for me. Not now anyway.

So, Jaime thank you for making it si plain, for telling me the truth.

John showed me the light...he untriduced me to John Reese:
In this video you’ll learn how to quickly and easily set up an what John calls an “Affiliate Commission Engine.”

You can set up as many of these little ‘engines’ as you want in any market you want and they’ll work for you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, making affiliate income for you
close quote

That free video was preceeded by a "squeeze page" which required my giving my email address in exchange for the viewing. So...guess what happens I see the video and buy the syystem OR I am subjected to drip marketing until I unsubscribe.

John reccommends auto responder (aweber) that will send emails on days 1,2,3,4, etc. He also wisely recommends tha tyou have 10 emails alerady wwritten and in your autoresponder before you launch your program. Additionally over time notice which products are getting more sales and move THOSE emails to the first 30 days. People will unsubscribe sooner or later. So you want to put your best sellers in that first 30 days but you may not know what those best seller are until you have your own data. This takes time but indeed over time you will have the data and you can make adjustments in the order of the emails (not the frequency) to get even better, faster income.

I've been thinking onlyu of one shot affiliate marketing. Youi kown a landing page and/or a blog post or a tweet or whatever leding directly to the product sales page and people either buy or not. Period. With John Reeses system I will also be building my list and I can market to the list I can send useful information (value) and promote a particular affiliate product related to whatever I'm talking about.

It is only in the last week that I have been eating more than once a day...for three weeks I was eating something once every other day. So...what can I do? NOW?

Find a free auto responder and move both Aaron Wall's SEO Handbook and Rosalind Gardner's Super Affiliate Handbook on Twitter.

Those two have gotton the most clicks. As you may recall I put those two on auto pilot, each tweeting once or twice a month. It's automated.

Humm...let me check to see what the earnings are to date...

John Reese calls Affiliate Marketing the ultimate online business for thes 2 reasons:

  1. - Run Part-Time Or Full-Time
  2. - Run From Anywhere
  3. - No Inventory To Keep
  4. - No Products To Ship
  5. - No Payments To Collect
  6. - No Customer Support
  7. - No Recruiting

Now that, I could do with what I had from where I was.

BTW, check out Rosalind Gardner's Action Guide

NING Forums:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Problogger's 31 Days to a Better Blog (Part1)

The folloing "1"s cover Days 12 through 9 of the 31 Days for Building a Better Blog
  1. Elevator Speech--this became my tagline for the blog and a short quip I could share with people who might be curious as to what I am doing all day and night perched atop my bed with my mini-lap
  1. List--I created several list posts in fact: 3 Reasons to Start Enjoying Your Unemployable Hobo Lifestyle in Orlando, 17 Principles of Napoleon Hill etc and I'll post one for THIS blog tomorrow. :) Make sure to leave YOUR "list post" in the comments!
  1. Promote--This is what I call seeding the internet. You know put it in my email signatue and leave it in the places where I post and comment. Specifically Darren is speaking to participation in forums. Some places like Warrior Forum allow registered participants to have a signature which is a great place to link to the blog. However, I have not been active on that forum so I will delay creating a signature for a week or so. However I am very active in the NING networks, Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon and YouTube. So I am linking to all of those plus I am registering at Blog Catalog and MyBlogLog. Apparently my account exists but I don''t know the email address associated with at MyBlogLog. It was cool to see though...I had a lot going on at one time...two years ago!!

  1. Analyze a successful blog in your niche and analyze what they are doing. For this I took a look at the places that I read and comment (see sidebar) and selected the blog that I wished to emulate. Then vasically reviewed 4 blogs, not just 1, using Ddarren's guidlines. (See May 7-11 posts)

  1. Focus on your current readers...well, I guess I am my current reader. lol. When a reader leaves a comment I am to send them an email and leave a comment on their blog if they have left their URL.

  1. Learn from the following articles (blog postts)

Seth Godin from Seths Blog

Rand Fiskin from SEOmoz

Skellie from Skelliewag

A Complete Guide to Find

Chris Garrett from ChrisG

Yaro Starak from Entrepreneurs Journey

Jeremy Schoemaker from Shoemoney

Maki from Dosh Dosh

Liz Strauss from Successful Blog

Daniel Scocco from Daily Blog Tips

Chris Brogan from

  1. Link to at least one other blog in a post. This is often know as 'giving link love." Well THIS post is linking to TEN other blogs at least 3X each. So that's "link love on fire!

  1. Interlink the posts on your blog wheverver appropriate. I have been doing this all along. It's a good reminder though to go back and look for opportunities to interlink.

  1. Promote the blog by participating in forums that are likely to have people interestedi the theme of your blog. Warrior forums is fine but maybe I should look a bit more for a smaller forum as well.Build Your Blog With Forum Traffic - a post where Skellie suggests 4 strategies on this topic. How to Use Forums to Drive Hundreds of Thousands of Readers to Your Blog - a story from an anonymous reader who built a successful blog using this technique.
If you've been following me on Twitter maybe you can guess...What did i start doing on Wednesday, May 30th over at Twitter? Check back here in the morning to see if you guessed right. :)

NING Forums:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Looking for a Carnival?

Yaro suggests: "Try this blog carnival submission tool to find a carnival suited to your blog." but that tool no longer exists.

The people who run "blog carnival" say...
We like carnivals that have a track record, and that involve lots of people. We also notice that these carnivals tend to be more interesting and longer lived.

That makes sense to me. Also it is likely in carnivals that meet those criteria I will get more exposure.

So I shall select from among the featured carnivals. I selected the Carnival of Making RealMoney because it was the only one that related to what I am doing on this blog. It is published every other Sunday and here I link to the the most recent, the 30th, carnival.******************************
NING Forums:

Friday, May 1, 2009

How to Create a Profitable Blog

For those of us who are interested in earning a living from our online activities, why not take advantage of the free courses available to improve the profitability of our blogs!

Darren Rowse (aka Problogger) offers "31 Days to Building a Better Blog" and Yaro Starak, another Aussie, has a wonderful "Blog Profits Blueprint"

Darren (Problogger)--actually his auto-responder, Aweber--sends a daily email for 31 consequetive days which contains links to the related instructional post, the support forums and the task for the day.

So everyday you are learning something (or refinng or reinforcing something) and actually putting it into practice. The series of "lessons" are supported by a forum of other participants past and present. I really like the series because it is not overwhelming and it involves my taking action, daily, in ways that may ormay not be comfortable.

Yaro's blueprint is awesome. And the series of emails that accompanies it are truly geared toward how to have a profitable blog. He starts from square one, How to Pick a Topic. I already "know" that I want to go super niche because going head to head with a long established "generalist" is not as profitable.

I am just wrapped up my "April Challenge" which involved a 28-day plan of my own creation to help someone get thier social networking foundation established and to get them into the blogging habit. (The someone how really got helped was ME!)

I have a few holes to fill in with that and some polishing up to do. (Adding text links to the posts, figuring out how to direct my URL to point to this blogspot site, correcting typos, writing and editing, etcetera!)

I'd love to have an alliance to go through both Darren's and Yaro's free programs this month and to reach my income target of $2,000 (USD) so if you're intersted please let me know.

Now I am at the one third mark in both series. Which reminds me, er um single-tasking as described by Tim Ferriss is a must habit to develop!

Wishing you massive action annd magical abundance.

oh, oh look what I found a couple of days ago in my DMs at twitter...
standoutbloggerThanks for following me :D I'd love 2 offer u a copy of my free blogging success ebook: - looking fwd 2 ur tweets!

No I'm not recommedning this ebook I just want to demonstrate that producing an ebook and giving it away is a tecnique used by many to entice you onto their "list" in order to sellyou other things at a future time. :) Another post...another time

May 2009 Targets?
Earnings of $2,000 from online activities

How about you? Where do you see yourself on May 31st?

NING Forums:

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Taking Action on Yaro's 10 Tips

Today I'll run through the 10 tips presented by Yaro and apply them to this blog.

10. Every month write at least one major tutorial style articles which offers value and insight. I can work on this every Sunday morning, and publish only when everything is just right. Gather sources, write outline, flesh out with text and links, proof read/edit and then publish. Here are some topics I have in mind. Twitter, Be a Slave to Good Habits, Drip Marketing. I'll also submit same to aa blog carnival and to ezine or other article directory AND make a Squidoo lens...all with the same "pillar post"

Have you ever written this type of foundaional post? Please let me know and link to your post in the comments below.

9. I will commit to write one new blog post daily before going to bed for publication in the early morning. I will commit to this regemin for the next 90 days. There after I will re-consider.

8. Maybe I'll go ahead and register my name and use a subdomain for this blog. Maybe I'll resurrect a URL that I already have registered. I don't know. Use a proper domain name. Right now I am not willing to commit to anything that will cost me money. Yeah, I "own" so now I need to get iit pointing to my blog, this blog, instead of Tim G's MLMSystemPro capture page. lol

7. I have already stated commenting, now I just have to comment where I can leave my URL to create backlinks perhaps and definitely a way that other readers of my comment can find me and my blog. I will start this once I have finished editing theApril Challenge posts.

6. In editing the April Challenge posts I will make sure to link to affiliate products, posts of other bloggers (including myself) as applicable. I will look for applicability.

5. I encourage comments on this blog by inviting them with a question and by responding to comments that are indeed left by interested readers.

4. Submit your latest pillar article to a blog carnival. Wow are these things still around? Don't know what a blog carnival is? You're not alone:

A Blog Carnival is a particular kind of blog community. There are many kinds of blogs, and they contain articles on many kinds of topics. Blog Carnivals typically collect together links pointing to blog articles on a particular topic. A Blog Carnival is like a magazine. It has a title, a topic, editors, contributors, and an audience. Editions of the carnival typically come out on a regular basis (e.g. every monday, or on the first of the month). Each edition is a special blog article that consists of links to all the contributions that have been submitted, often with the editors opinions or remarks. You may browse carnivals here.

I need to spend some time actually reading several carnivals related to making money online, blogging for profit, and affiliate marketing in order to choose one to join. Of ocurse you can join more than one. For me it makes sense to join the one with the best quality writing and information and one that has been around for a while. For other blogs that I have related to health and self sufficiency I will also look to carnivals as a way to not only increase readership and community but a way to further support my intention of writing foundational articles for this blog.

3. Submit your blog to and while you're at it and

2. Submit your articles to Let's do one per month.

1. Write more tutorial posts. Use them as the foundation for ezine articles...why

Tomorrow I will let you know what carnival I decided to particpate in.

NING Forums:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

10 Blogging Tips from Yaro

In every bloggers life comes a special day - the day they first launch a new blog. Now unless you went out and purchased someone else's blog chances are your blog launched with only one very loyal reader - you. Maybe a few days later you received a few hits when you told your sister, father, girlfriend and best friend about your new blog but that's about as far you went when it comes to finding readers.

Here are the top 10 techniques new bloggers can use to find readers. These are tips specifically for new bloggers, those people who have next-to-no audience at the moment and want to get the ball rolling.

It helps if you work on this list from top to bottom as each technique builds on the previous step to help you create momentum. Eventually once you establish enough momentum you gain what is called "traction", which is a large enough audience base (about 500 readers a day is good) that you no longer have to work too hard on finding new readers. Instead your current loyal readers do the work for you through word of mouth.

Top 10 Tips

10. Write at least five major "pillar" articles. A pillar article is a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are longer than 500 words and have lots of very practical tips or advice. This article you are currently reading could be considered a pillar article since it is very practical and a good "how-to" lesson. This style of article has long term appeal, stays current (it isn't news or time dependent) and offers real value and insight. The more pillars you have on your blog the better.

9. Write one new blog post per day minimum. Not every post has to be a pillar, but you should work on getting those five pillars done at the same time as you keep your blog fresh with a daily news or short article style post. The important thing here is to demonstrate to first time visitors that your blog is updated all the time so they feel that if they come back tomorrow they will likely find something new. This causes them to bookmark your site or subscribe to your blog feed.

You don't have to produce one post per day all the time but it is important you do when your blog is brand new. Once you get traction you still need to keep the fresh content coming but your loyal audience will be more forgiving if you slow down to a few per week instead. The first few months are critical so the more content you can produce at this time the better.

8. Use a proper domain name. If you are serious about blogging be serious about what you call your blog. In order for people to easily spread the word about your blog you need a easily rememberable domain name. People often talk about blogs they like when they are speaking to friends in the real world (that's the offline world, you remember that place right?) so you need to make it easy for them to spread the word and pass on your URL. Try and get a .com if you can and focus on small easy to remember domains rather than worry about having the correct keywords (of course if you can get great keywords and easy to remember then you've done a good job!).

7. Start commenting on other blogs. Once you have your pillar articles and your daily fresh smaller articles your blog is ready to be exposed to the world. One of the best ways to find the right type of reader for your blog is to comment on other people's blogs. You should aim to comment on blogs focused on a similar niche topic to yours since the readers there will be more likely to be interested in your blog.

Most blog commenting systems allow you to have your name/title linked to your blog when you leave a comment. This is how people find your blog. If you are a prolific commentor and always have something valuable to say then people will be interested to read more of your work and hence click through to visit your blog.

6. Trackback and link to other blogs in your blog posts. A trackback is sort of like a blog conversation. When you write a new article to your blog and it links or references another blogger's article you can do a trackback to their entry. What this does is leave a truncated summary of your blog post on their blog entry - it's sort of like your blog telling someone else's blog that you wrote an article mentioning them. Trackbacks often appear like comments.

This is a good technique because like leaving comments a trackback leaves a link from another blog back to yours for readers to follow, but it also does something very important - it gets the attention of another blogger. The other blogger will likely come and read your post eager to see what you wrote about them. They may then become a loyal reader of yours or at least monitor you and if you are lucky some time down the road they may do a post linking to your blog bringing in more new readers.

5. Encourage comments on your own blog. One of the most powerful ways to convince someone to become a loyal reader is to show there are other loyal readers already following your work. If they see people commenting on your blog then they infer that your content must be good since you have readers so they should stick around and see what all the fuss is about. To encourage comments you can simply pose a question in a blog post. Be sure to always respond to comments as well so you can keep the conversation going.

4. Submit your latest pillar article to a blog carnival. A blog carnival is a post in a blog that summarizes a collection of articles from many different blogs on a specific topic. The idea is to collect some of the best content on a topic in a given week. Often many other blogs link back to a carnival host and as such the people that have articles featured in the carnival often enjoy a spike in new readers.

To find the right blog carnival for your blog, do a search at

3. Submit your blog to To be honest this tip is not going to bring in a flood of new readers but it's so easy to do and only takes five minutes so it's worth the effort. Go to Blog Top Sites, find the appropriate category for your blog and submit it. You have to copy and paste a couple of lines of code on to your blog so you can rank and then sit back and watch the traffic come in. You will probably only get 1-10 incoming readers per day with this technique but over time it can build up as you climb the rankings. It all helps!

2. Submit your articles to This is another tip that doesn't bring in hundreds of new visitors immediately (although it can if you keep doing it) but it's worthwhile because you simply leverage what you already have - your pillar articles. Once a week or so take one of your pillar articles and submit it to Ezine Articles. Your article then becomes available to other people who can republish your article on their website or in their newsletter.

How you benefit is through what is called your "Resource Box". You create your own resource box which is like a signature file where you include one to two sentences and link back to your website (or blog in this case). Anyone who publishes your article has to include your resource box so you get incoming links. If someone with a large newsletter publishes your article you can get a lot of new readers at once.

1. Write more pillar articles. Everything you do above will help you to find blog readers however all of the techniques I've listed only work when you have strong pillars in place. Without them if you do everything above you may bring in readers but they won't stay or bother to come back. Aim for one solid pillar article per week and by the end of the year you will have a database of over 50 fantastic feature articles that will work hard for you to bring in more and more readers.

I hope you enjoyed my list of traffic tips. Everything listed above are techniques I've put into place myself for my blogs and have worked for me, however it's certainly not a comprehensive list. There are many more things you can do. Finding readers is all about testing to see what works best for you and your audience and I have no doubt if you put your mind to it you will find a balance that works for you.

This article was by Yaro Starak, a professional blogger and my blog mentor. He is the leader of the Blog Mastermind mentoring program designed to teach bloggers how to earn a full time income blogging part time.

To get more information about Blog Mastermind click this link:
NING Forums:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

#28 Congratulations! What Next?

This month has been a challenge indeed. As far as the April Challenge goes, there are still things that I want to go back and do better. I'll spend today and the last few days of April going back to clean up and complete previous posts, making sure to include useful links.

Going forward...
Problogger's 31 Days to a Better Blog (3 parts)
John Chow's Make Money Online Free eBook (3 parts)
Reviews of what I read and comment/post on (20-25 parts)
Added Features to my Blogs (3 parts) lead capture, audio visual
Product Reviews (12 parts)
Profit Centers (3 parts)
How to Increase Traffic for Page Rank (3 parts)
How to Get Subscribers/The List (3 parts quality back links, )
Yaro Starak's Blog Profits Bluprint eBook (3 parts)
Yaro Starak's Membership Site Masterplan eBook (3 parts)

And other stuff ...naturally.

continue to be interested in being part of an alliance of people working on similar business targets. Any takers?

What are your objectives? Do we have anything in common? What are your goals for next month?

My target for May is to generate an income of $2,000 through my online activities.

NING Forums:

Monday, April 27, 2009

#27 Network Marketing

So, what is network marketing? It is the distribution of goods and services through a network of people called "distributors" or "reps".

From Wikipedia:
Multi-level marketing (MLM), also known as Network Marketing, is a marketing strategy that compensates promoters of direct selling companies not only for product sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they introduced to the company. The products and company are usually marketed directly to consumers and potential business partners by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing.[1].

Have you ever been a distributor of a network markeitng company? I have probablyjoined as many a half a dozen but only becuase a friend persuaded me to do so. I was on his "friends & family" list. Anyway, at the moment I am not a rep of any MLM company. Never the less I am not at al adverse to joining a compaany whose products are staples in my household. Becuase I certainly believe in buying wholesale vs retail. (Over and above all of that of course, I prefer production at house, or in community, of everything that I need! )

These are the top MLM/Network marketing companies based on Alexa rankings. (This is a copy and paste from here.) This is probably more accurate for 2008 than 2009.
  1. Avon 7,153
  2. Usana 11,647
  3. Ytb Travel 13,755
  4. Quixtar 13,884
  5. Mary Kay 16,902 (+1)
  6. Melaleuca 16,921 (-1)
  7. Success University 25,170
  8. Herbalife 29,603
  9. Pre-paid Legal 36,049 (+1)
  10. VM Direct 36,179 (-1)
  11. Isagenix 38,463
  12. Nu Skin Enterprises 38,806
  13. helloWorld 42,987 (+1)
  14. Tupperware 43,288 (-1)
  15. Shaklee 46,461
  16. Forever Living 47,662
  17. 4Life Research, LLC 50,805
  18. Market America 51,614
  19. Xango 60,536 (+1)
  20. Tahitian Noni 64,212 (-1)
  21. FreeLife International 70,156
  22. Take Shape for Life/Medifast 70,904
  23. Arbonne International 71,335
  24. A C N 78,164 (+1)
  25. ITV Ventures 79,395 (-1)
  26. Amway 85,717
  27. Watkins 85,729 (+3)
  28. Scent-Sations (Mia Bella Candles) 88,629 (-1)
  29. Sunrider 90,898 (-1)
  30. United First Financial 95,132 (-1)
  31. AmeriPlan 107,187 (+1)
  32. Juvio 112,466 (-1)
  33. Pharmanex 116,001 (+1)
  34. Healthy Pet Net 117,797 (-1)
  35. Nature's Sunshine 117,850
  36. Pampered Chef 119,865 (+2)
  37. Passion Parties 120,756 (-1)
  38. Primerica 122,433 (-1)
  39. Unicity 139,559
  40. Liberty League 143,616
  41. Ecoquest International 149,526 (+1)
  42. Nikken 150,699 (-1)
  43. M2C Global 157,111
  44. NHT Global 161,816 (+1)
  45. Creative Memories 164,597 (+1)
  46. Immunotec 164,991 (-2)
  47. Tastefully Simple 172,328
  48. Vitamark International 179,125 (-48)
  49. Longaberger 187,101
  50. CyberWize 187,135 (-2)

If you are looking for an mlm "opportunity" as they are too often called, Jaime Morales suggests a few Top MLM Companies to Take a Look At

Listen to what Tsu Veoh advises. (I made up the name Tsu Veoh...please send me a correction so I can update this post!) Makes sense,doesn't it?

Are you involved in a multi-level marketing company? How is it going? What have you found that works and that doesn't work? I want to hear from YOU. :)

More Straight Talk from Jaime Morales
NING Forums:

Sunday, April 26, 2009

#26 Mastermind Alliance

Once you are clear on your goals, your purpose and have mapped out a plan of action, be open to mastermind with other clear thinking people.

You will find mastermind groups on NING and on Facebook. You can start your own group.

I set up a page on Facebook and explored a few pre-existing groups. I want to keep it simple and true to the orignal...

Here is an outline of a mastermind meeting as presented by Jack Canfield.

My goals are clearly defined and frankly

NING Forums:

Saturday, April 25, 2009

#25 Napoleon Hill 17 Principles

Visit The 17 Principles of Napoleon Hill read through the 17 posts there. Then explore the first principle, Definitiveness of Purpose. Use additional guides to expound upon your desires and come up with an action plan. Do resarch at StumbleUpon and ask your Twitter friends for help, too.

NING Forums:

Friday, April 24, 2009

#24 Daily Dailies Part 2

Okay so what are the daily dailies? They are what you do day in and day out. The little tasks that you do every day. This takes me 4 to 7 hours a day.

  1. Open Video site and watch new stuff from subs + leave at least one comment.
  2. Create blog post for future publication.
  3. Open and check correspondence at Twitter, MySpace and Facebook.
  4. Read for 10 to 20 minutes at each and respond to at least one thing on each.
  5. Open up and post simultaneously to Twitter, MySpace and Facebook.
  6. Promote a blog post and/or video from YouTube.
  7. Work on the next item on my to do list.
  8. Work on the task of the current month's challenge.
  9. Play catch up as needed.
  10. Read & comment at one or more in sidebar
  11. Exercise
  12. Water
  13. Tidy Self & Space
  14. Breakfast
  15. Outdoor Errands/activities
  16. Refine Existing work
NING Forums:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

#23 Increase Reciprocal Following

These are the stats right now:
Twitter 1,112 reciprocals
Facebook 105 reciprocals
MySpace 85
StumbleUpon 95 friends 111 subscriptions
YouTube: 1 subscriber 124 reciprocal friends

1,583...The easiest way to get to 2,500 is via Twitter. Right now Twitter is gaining about 10/day...people and/or their apps find me and I am reciprocating automatically. I'm good with that. I don't want to fill the rafters with junk it is more about quality than quantity. As it lol now I weed out the whores, men posing as women and the blank or miht-as-well-be-blank bios. lol

By use search of conversations and bios I will also look at the followers of followers to find people of interest. I can do that and participate in a coule more follow Fridays and be in good shape by the end of this challenge.

NING Forums:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

#22 The Power of Comments

A comment is something that you write in a forum discussion, after a blogpost, or pn a social networking site. The tone of the comment is friendly, genuine, helpful, questioning and/or supportive. In leaving a comment you are seeding the internet with ways for people to connect with you and therefore your are creating the possibility of more traffic to whatever site(s) you direct people to.

Comments are read and if the reader is moved by what you hve written to he/shee is likely to follow-up and seek your voice elsewhere. On blogs you ofteen have the opportunity to include your name and website URL. In people can simply click through to your site.

So far, in 2009 there has not been a site that I actually wanted to drive traffic so I generally use my MySpace URL. My MySpace URL has the most complete "mystory" and it also links to my other social networking pillars.

You could just as easily link to your blog or a specific post in your blog.

Thoughtful comments attract people to you, one reader at a time. Genrally these comments are are permanent as the life of the site you are commenting on.

Select a few sites, outside of the pillars, that you can commit to reading and commenting on regularly.

In addition to the Warrior Forums, and Problogger, I suggest that you look through the Top 100 at Technorati (in terms of authority or number of fans) and find at least a couple of blogs that are of keen interest to you. Hopefully your reading list of bloggs will include blogs that are likely to have content that will help and inspire you as you build tthe content of the three blogs that you have started during this challenge.

As you go along writing and doing research on blogs you will find other blogs that you enjoy and that you find useful and have cause to contribute to in the way of comments. Add them to the list. Ideally I want to have no more than 10 bloggs that I participate in regularly. i want to keep my daily dailies to 4 hours or less.

Sites that you need for your daily dailies you can bookmark and keep in one folder. Some people like t use RSS feed readers to hae all of the new posts of the blogs that they are keeping up with in one place.
ou can cutback on the time you spend doing this reading and commenting.
Over time, once you are very established.

I have decided to make my other two topic blogs super-niche, btw.

NING Forums:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

#21 Be Inspired, Take Action

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

Listen, be inspired, take action...

Whole ItemFormatSize
TheScienceofGettingRich_64kb.m3u64Kbps M3UStream
TheScienceofGettingRich_64kb_mp3.zip64Kbps MP3 ZIP59 MB
Audio Files64Kbps MP3
Science of Getting Rich - Preface1.20 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 1: The Right to Be Rich2.74 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 2: There Is a Science of Getting Rich3.16 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 3: Is Opportunity Monopolized?3.37 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 4: The First Principle in The Science of Getting Rich4.62 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 5: Increasing Life4.53 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 6: How Riches Come to You3.92 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 7: Gratitude2.88 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 8: Thinking in the Certain Way3.32 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 9: How to Use the Will3.58 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 10: Further Use of the Will3.86 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 11: Acting in the Certain Way4.03 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 12: Efficient Action3.44 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 13: Getting Into the Right Business3.09 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 14: The Impression of Increase3.14 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 15: The Advancing Man3.12 MB

Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 16: Some Cautions, and Concluding Observations3.47 MB
Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 17: Summary of the Science of Getting Rich1.36 MB

NING Forums:

Monday, April 20, 2009

#20 Daily Dailies Part 1

Okay so what are the daily dailies? They are what you do day in and day out. The little tasks that you do every day. This takes me 2 to 4 hours a day.

  1. Open YouTube and watch new stuff from subs + leave at least one comment.
  2. Create blog post for future publication.
  3. Open and check correspondence at Twitter, MySpace and Facebook.
  4. Read for 10 to 20 minutes at each and respond to at least one thing on each.
  5. Open up and post simultaneously to Twitter, MySpace and Facebook.
  6. Promote a blog post and/or video from YouTube.
  7. Work on the next item on my to do list.
  8. Work on the task of the current month's challenge.
  9. Play catch up as needed.

NING Forums:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

#19 Proof and Release

Re-read all of the posts that you have written so far. Make any necessary corections in spelling, grammar and wordiness.

Check all the links and make sure that they lead people to whatever page you intended.

Then go to the administrative side of your blog and under the Settings tab allow search engines to find your blog and also include it in blogger listings. In other workds make it possible for any member of the public toaccess your blog and take a look.

NING Forums:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

#18 Power Tools

In addtion to --which I used daily--to post to Twitter, Facebook and MySpace simultaneously I use the following tools. These tools were gleaned from AN Jay

These are the tools that I use. More can be found here:

Mr. Tweet Not Currently Using

Mr. Tweet

I found this useful when I challenged myself to go from 300 something subscribers to 500 subscribers. It helped me see lots of people, their stats and theri bio all at once and to follow whomever I chose to. I followed lots of people and those that didn't follow back I un-followed a few days later.

TweetStats Interesting But not Currently Using


TweetStats can graph your Twitter Stats including Tweets per hour, Tweets per month, Tweet timeline, Reply statistics.

Twuffer Set Up with 2 Affliate Links each tweeted once a month


You can pre-schedule hourly/daily/monthly tweets. I have just started used this with the affiliate links below. I think it will be worthwhile to tweet affiliate links once a month. More often would bug ME so I want to follow the golden rule here...treat others the way I'd wish to be treated. SEO Handbook (maybe the best) Super Affiliate Handbook (classic/updated/basic)

TweetLater THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE; set it and forget it.


This is what I use to send automatic thank you notes to new followers. In that thank you note I include a link to myself on facebook. I could also include other links to other things I am a particular blog post or affiliate product or whatever. I ALSO used this service to follow people who follow me, automatically. This service works really well.

Because of my regular Twitter activity, my one time participation in "follow friday" and my bio of keywords about me I find that people are finding & following me and so my reciprocal list of following/followers is steadily increasing without my interference at all. I'd say somewhere between the 300's and 500's things just took off. The "follow friday" that I participated in really seemed to catapult me well beyond my goal for the month.

My Tweeple Not Currently Using

My Tweeple

You can easily see who are you following and who’s following you. You can follow, unfollow, and/or block people with ease. I've used this a few times but since now reciprocity has been automated with "TweetLater" I don't really need it.

Tweetburner I use this everyday


This is how I shorten URLs for Twitter and anywhere else space is limited. This service will also let me know how many times the new tiny url gets clicked. That way I know wat copy is working and what isn't. Oh, and I can tweet directly from tweetburner, adding whatever verbiage I want to accompany the tiny URL.

NING Forums:

Friday, April 17, 2009

#17 Populate the Pillars

For every key word in your profile do a people search and "follow" everyone who has a profile that is appealing to you (or at least not offensive to you or blank or silly). You may in this way begin to follow hundreds of people. Also for topic of interest search the conversations by using the search box on your home page. Add people whose conversation you like on topics of interest to you. So with Twitter, initially you should follow 100 to 200 people. After a week or so use My Tweeple, a twitter tool to eliminate all of the people you are following who did not reciprocate.

Set an automatic thank-you-and-cull at TweetLater. This wilL gradUally increase your Twitter following as others find you.

If you feel alright about it...invite your email address book to join you on Twitter.

You really need original content. Othewise, what are people subscribing to, an empty channel? Maybe they can subscribe to your favorites or to yor playists. I have one subscriber and have uploaded no videos.

If you feel alright about it...invite your email address book to join you on YouTube

Send invitations to people that turn up as a result of your search on YouTube. Search based on your interests.

I belong to 5 NING forums and betwxt them all it would be great to have a total of 500 contacts ("friends")

Befriend the newbies. Befriend everyone who write blog posts. Or simply befriend everyone up to 100 people (that is the limit) and as invitations are accepted invite more. Some people are not active and for those who are otherwise ignoring your invitation,withdraw it, especially if is a forum with a high membership.

You have a limit of 100 unanswered invitations.

If you feel alright about it...invite your email address book to join you on NING.

Send friend requests to people who are active in the forum. People who have joined groups, made blog posts, done something to thier NING page that makes it stand out in some whay from the default look.

Getting friends on NING is time consuming.

If you feel alright about it...invite your email address book to join you on MySpace

Send invitations to people that turn up as a result of your search on Myspace. Search based on your interests

If you feel alright about it...invite your email address book to join you on Facebook

Also search school and geography and employer networks to find people that you already know.

NING Forums:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Finding the Perfect Domain Name

A domain name is that part of the URL that comes before the .com, .net, .org, .fm, etc. extension. For example, in, "yahoo" is the domain name.

A domain name that is short and memorable is preferable to one that is long and hard to remember. Also a domain name that denotes what a website is about and/or is keyword rich has several advantages.

1. It is easy to remember
2. It let's people know immediately what is about.
3. It actually may be ued spontaneously by people employing search engine or by simply typing in the browser.

To have something that is keyword rich and short and snappy is quite a feat. Nowadays companies often simply use their business name and/or make up a word. (e.g. skype, gotomeeting, dimdim, amazon, etc.)

One of the easiest ways to find out if a particular domain name is available is to pop over to GoDaddy. What I like about that site is that if what you select is not available about a dozen other, similar names, are suggested.

Plus once you find something that works and that is available you can go ahead and register it immediately and then use it later to point to your website The service is inexpensive and if you choose to register the domain for multiple years all at once it is very cost effective.

NING Forums:

Time Management

Definition, Elimination, Automation, Freedom...Focus on the target and anything that doesn't aid and abet reaching it needs to be jettisoned. Yep.

During this April Challenge managing time has been one of the most daunting challenge. I bet there were days when you spent hours getting that days task done. I know that for me jumping onto Twitter or Facebook was a lot more fun than writing product reviews and it wasn't until I just focused on my list of things to do and when methodically from top to bottom that I was able to actually not spend all day working!

Two of my favorite books on time management: Dan Kennedy's No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs (No B.S. Series) and Tom Ferriss' The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich have become classics. If you haven't already read them I encourage you to do so. You can probably check them out of your local library or perhaps find torrents of the entire books online. Of course there is always Amazon.

Take a look at a few of the latest offerings on time management.

NING Forums:

Rosalind Gardener's Super Affiliate Handbook

This is the amazing true story of how a woman with NO business experience became a Super Affiliate earning $500,000+ per year selling other people's stuff online

Do check this woman out! She deserves her lengendary reputation as an industry leader and teacher in the affiliate marketing arena. Her Super Affiliate Handbook, which is updated periodically, is a must for anyone aspiring to earn significant income through affiliate marketing.

NING Forums: