My Adventure in the World of Online Marketing for Massive Online Income

Monday, October 15, 2007


It took several hours yesterday and then this morning I decided to divide the lens of ONE into a series of THREE lenses!

Education is the Key to Massive Online MLM Success

Foundation Stones to Massive Online MLM Success

Magnetic Sponsoring for MOMS

Make sure to pull my coat tail with typos that should be corrected!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


It took me a bit to set up an account. But now I have one. My name is Nia Nia and my Username is MOMS. This is where I am starting: SquidU

After less than 5 minutes of reading the male fire got the best of me and I decided just oto DO IT and see where I indeed needed help.

DOING IT is MUCH easier!

It took me maybe 4 hours but I finished it! My First Squidoo lens by MOMS

Yesterday I posted on Craigslist . Couldn't hurt to post there everyday and then after 7 dyas just keep renewing so that I always have a presence there.

Let's see what is left from yesterday:
(3 hours) Write Review with link at top and bottom. (repeat with each new product I actually use)

Post Review at GoArticles, EzineArticles, , Leave America, MyBlogLog, Blog Catalog, Stumble Upon Forum 1, Stumble Upon Forum 2, Make Money Online, Affiliate Center, PRweb,

Fleshing Out of the Revelation (Day 2)

(1 hour)Post link in sidebar at MyBlogLog, Blog Catalog, Stumble Upon Forum 2, Make Money Online, Affiliate Center,
MyBlogLog is now merged with Yahoo and I just don't like the BigBrother feel so I'm out of there. Blog Catalog...html is not happening...except in broadasts soI'l broad cast there once a week, as I did today. I also updated my bio. I posted at the Network Marketing forum yesterday and the Entrepreneurlism forum and Affilite Marketing forum today at Stumble Upon. Once all this preliminary stuff is done I shold ocme up with a scheudl and enter it into my Yahoo calendar so I get reminders. All portals are permanent, the more portals the more wide spread the better.

(1 hour) Join Warrior Forum and post (post once a week or more)
This is a very interesting forum. I really enjoy reading and exploring there. Leaving comments (questions, or contributions) will be fun. Hey, I read and read and found a place I could offer some information. So I posted. I saw Mari Ann! She is on the ball. She is ver serious about keeping the fires fueled. GO MARI ANN! Highly recommended. This is a great sorce of education and contacts.

Call from Danny. Elias is in bed instead of on the job. Quick call, all in Spanish. Now he has our phone numbers and he'll be there in half an hour. I'll submit the Laurel offer, sight unseen because the price is sooo right. Then I'll pick up here where I left off. (If the deal is accepted then I get that much closer to my $10k goal!)

(1 hour) Email blast mmol folks
Okay, let's take a peek...Looks like I have the email address of nine people who are among the first wave of distributors to sign up for the GuardIT product. Great, now I have a "GGI dot com" group in my Yahoo address book. I can blast to them once every two weeks, like clock work. I'll create a template (saved as an email draft!) that haslinked to it my GGI dot com blog as well as my GuardIt issued site plus some moniker: Massive Online MLM Success (MOMS!)

I sent an email to Jon while I was in the back office looking for email copy...nothing there. No problem I'll just take some copy from the "foyer" (aka "the landing page") which my affiliate link leads to.

Here's the email I sent:
Have a great day, beautiful week. Here's what's going on with me and MLM stuff. Let me knoe what you are up to and what you've discovered along the way. Se me the link to your blog or whatever!

Here are my may have already received the Dani Johnson heads up...after that, the rest is all new stuff!

Old School with an edge…Dani Johnson.
Sign up for free membership and access to a bevy of resources through Home Profit Zone She also has a personal achievement/Christian series that can also be accessed on the same page.
Dani has made available hundreds of hours of audio training on her site, free of charge. She offers two event products which are very good. Personally for me the shouting delivery was unbearable nevertheless one of he take aways I got was the value of creating a testimonial, creating my success story.

New School…MOMS!
Massive Online MLM Success using web tools and techniques.
This is all about an integrated system that takes prospects and converts them automatically to sales and/or distributorships. You don’t have to persuade anyone about the product, sell them on the opportunity, invite them to conference cal or a coffee klatch…
As Jon puts it. what he is teaching is Attraction Marketing that pull an ENDLESS stream of people directly TO YOU, so you never have to be that desperate person, chasing people down about your business again.
All you have to do is seed the internet with portals of entry into the system. So what is a portal of entry? It’s a link, that’s it.
The link leads to a page that presents solutions to a problem presents benefits that the person who followed the link can use. There an email is captured, voluntarily and the beat goes on. The person who has now entered this conveyor belt through our portal is taken care of by he system.
If you want to see what I’m doing with this so far check out my posts at my 28 Day Personal Challenge and also the new blog Online MLM Secrets: Massive Online MLM Success I’ve started just for this. I’m using this new site as a way to document my journey , and to eventually pull out my “testimonial” about my experience. to be used in a variety of ways including audio, video, reviews, posts, comments in the blogsphere….
THe pesonal challenge is about my intention of raising $10,000 in 28 days to finance my vacation which starts this week! lol no joke. I have enough to get me to southern California, now I'm working on getting to the insitute where I'll be for a month getting certified to teach English internationally! I"m relly looking forward to the GuardIT portable seurity product because I'll be doing a lot of travelling and it will be nice to be able to monitor my stuff where I may be staying when Im out and about. Hummm...wonder what kind of range these have? If the movement of the sensor or the turning on of he camera cause the phne to ring...can teh phne be anywhere on the planet with "signal"? I digress...
What Jon teaches in fact is how to create your own funnel which is something that you can learn to do in order to move GuardIT’s portable security product and/or GuardIT’s distributorships. The beauty of it is that he takes you step by step and he’s only an email away. Don’ tget stuck and stop. This is the wave of now and the immediate future.
What Ihve learned is that there are lready copanies that have created their own funnel so that you can basically come on board as a distributor or affiliate or whgtever and beneit immedigtely. You don't have to build your own system at all. I have found two...this one an another one.
THe experience with this system from te inside an the outside will be invaluale when I bein marketing GuardIT portable secuirty system and distributorships. FIrst I'll build the funnel, have it in place then I'll do the same kind of "seeding" of the net with portals that I am now doing for Online MLM Secrets. Also I can make it so that everon in my downline can plug into the sme system so they dont have to rely on Old School techniques which, frankly, are much more in your face, labor intensive.
If you believe in Old School, if it works for you, do take advantage of the Dani Johnso offerings and even go to her First Steps multi-day seminar training. SHe can help you explode your business. Old School works, no doubt. My feeling is that New School works better and faster.
If you have any sense of urgency about ramping up your income from whatever MLM organization(s) you may be part of, I encourage you to follow my experience on my blogs and better yet, to get into the mix yourself. You have nothing to lose, a whole new school of knowledge and techniques to gain.
Take a look at what Tim is doing on You Tube. (Notice how he usheres those warm leads into his realm. Clean, natural, infomative. Look at all of his videos and notice the number of times they have been viewed! FOr every video you make with the right tages, title and info/interest...imagine the number of voluntary viewers and voluntary seekers of more of whatever you are about as presented in the video...

Millions of people use YouTube and MySpace these are just two venues that can be used to actually frame your portal (link) With videos..title, tags, content, can learn all of that. it is NOT a sales's just you sharing your experience, you offering advice based on your pitch, that's a turn off...anyway I'd better get back to work. Welcome t the world of Web 2.0 and New School MLM Success vehicles...


PH: 703 879 6422
FX: 800 383 6220

(1/2 hour) Design Google PPC but don't launch until I have closed one sale.
#1 Online MLM Secrets
Make Money Online
MLM Network Marketing

#2 Massive Online MLM Success
Make Money Online with
MLM Network Marketing

#3 Make Money Online
Massive Online MLM Success

Here are some keyword tools (bar none, SiteBuildIt has the best integration of key word tools and site copy wizards...but we are nt building the macine...the macine s build all we have to do is create portals and se the web sith them. Whoever steps through the portal will be coming to us. FLATC Y!

Some keyword tools (not necessary at this stage)

keyword look up tool:

Google Adwords tool:


Yahoo Overture (dead or alive):

Here are the words phrases NOT being used that I can claim and monetize...
(1/4 hour) Get the Super Affiliate Handbook once I have closed by 50th sale. Easy, throw money

Okay it's's the contest...finish the above by noon and then enjoy a mango salad and a juiced canteloupe. Ah, yeah!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


So how many closed transactions to earn $10,000? Well that'd be 100. I wonder how many click throughs will be required? If the system produces a conversion rate of 20%, which I consider HIGH, then I'd need 500 click throughs for which 20% end up buyinging not the first product for $7 but the mastermind product for $177.

I might have to get into that PPC sooner than later...we'll see. What can I do with no money? Well you saw the first day's to do list! Let's see what that kind of actiit results in. Picture $10,000. Focus and let the universe manifest it for you.

Online MLM Secrets
(become an affiliate)
Why? As an affiliate you are GIFTED an affiliate link
with which to seed the internet, that fertile fileld that you are romping on right now!
As an affiliate, you will be paid $100 per sale of the mastermind course which retails for $177 and which is insanely rich with information and tools to take one's buisness from nowhere to the stratosphere. Oh, and get this. You don't sell. Your link is a portal to a system which does all the selling.
At most you warm up the funnel fodder by sharing YOUR experience in your own authentic voice. No hype. No hyperbole. No affected voicing. You'll probably end up buying it now or later or never...just become an affiliate then follow the sugestions as to how to sow your seed.
If you have questions, just ask in the comments.
If you have something constructive to share, leave that in the coments, too.

First Day as an Affiliate of Online MLM Secrets

How to become an affiliate and what to do once you become one are spelled out on my 28 Day Personal Challenge blog. Here is what my first day's to-do list, once I signed up as an affiliate, amounted to:
(3 hours) Write Review with link at top and bottom.
Post Review at GoArticles, EzineArticles, MySpace, Leave America, MyBlogLog, Blog Catalog, StumbleUpon, Stumble Upon Forum 1, Stumble Upon Forum 2, Make Money Online, Affiliate Center, Get Guard It odot Com, PRweb, 28 Day Personal Challenge

(1 hour)Post link in sidebar at MySpace, Leave America, MyBlogLog, Blog Catalog, StumbleUpon, Stumble Upon Forum1, Stumble Upon Forum 2, Make Money Online, Affiliate Center, Get Guard It dot Com.

(1/2 hour) Create a new Blogger site Online MLM Secrets

(1 hour) Join Warrior Forum and post

(1 hour) Email blast mmol folks

(1/2 hour) Design Google PPC but don't launch until I have closed one sale.

(1/4 hour) Get the Super Affiliate Handbook once I have closed by 50th sale.

Needless to say, I arrived at the above laundry list at 6:30 in the evening. No problem I rememer those dayhs n end iwthout sleep that I indulged n at the beginning tthe year when I first realized that there was money to e made online...Boy oh boy what an eye opener that was...I worked and studied until I collapsed and then got up to have at it again.

Online MLM Secrets
(become an affiliate)

Why? As an affiliate you are GIFTED an affiliate link
with which to seed the internet, that fertile fileld that you are romping on right now!
As an affiliate, you will be paid $100 per sale of the mastermind course which retails for $177 and which is insanely rich with information and tools to take one's buisness from nowhere to the stratosphere. Oh, and get this. You don't sell. Your link is a portal to a system which does all the selling.
At most you warm up the funnel fodder by sharing YOUR experience in your own authentic voice. No hype. No hyperbole. No affected voicing. You'll probably end up buying it now or later or never...just become an affiliate then follow the sugestions as to how to sow your seed.
If you have questions, just ask in the comments.
If you have something constructive to share, leave that in the coments, too.